
6351 W Montrose Ave.
Suite 210
Chicago, IL  60634

The Italian American Police Association


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Italian American Police Association News

Dear Chief Judge Evans

Dear Chief Judge Evans

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent actions of Judge Thomas Nowinski, which have resulted in severe consequences for the community. As reported, Judge Nowinski made the decision to release Constantin Beldie on electronic monitoring, despite a...

Dear Chief Judge Evans

Dear Chief Judge Evans

We are writing to express our concerns regarding Judge Carol Howard’s record and why we believe we should not vote to retain her in office. Recent events have highlighted a pattern of leniency that raises fundamental questions about her approach to justice and public...

Tenerelli Stays Active After Retiring From the Force

Tenerelli Stays Active After Retiring From the Force

After 39 years as a police officer, Philip Tenerelli continues to serve his community in an abundance of ways. He recently signed on for a sec- ond term as president of the Italian American Police Association, having joined the organization in 1984. "I was working...

Understanding the Chicago Police Department’s Budget

Understanding the Chicago Police Department’s Budget

With this guide, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) aims to provide stakeholders and taxpayers with basic, foundational information about the City’s Budget and Budget process, and how CPD’s budget is built.

Report on Chicago’s Response to George Floyd Protests and Unrest

Report on Chicago’s Response to George Floyd Protests and Unrest

In June 2020, the City of Chicago Office of Inspector General (OIC) and the Independent Monitoring Team (IMT) overseeing the consent decree entered in Illinois v. Chicago launched a joint inquiry into the City of Chicago’s response to the demonstrations and unrest in late May and early June.

Chula Vista Police Department’s UAS Program

Chula Vista Police Department’s UAS Program

Chula Vista Police Department’s UAS Program is to provide airborne support to police operations in a safe, responsible, and transparent manner to preserve the peace, reduce response times and increase the quality of life in Chula Vista.

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